Here is a key question you can ask yourself before every call:
What emotional state would I need to be in to get the absolute most out of my next call or presentation?
How specifically can I get myself into the right emotional state to execute at a high level?
If you are in an un-resourceful emotional state your life is completely different than if you are in a powerful and energetic emotional state. You emotional state is part of what determines your outlook day to day.
And your emotional state can affect if you believe things are even possible for you or not.
Imagine you have a call to make and you feel, stress, pressure, and overwhelm?
What is that call going to look like?
What will the call sound like with you feeling, stressed out, under pressure and overwhelmed?
What will that call feel like for you?
More importantly, what will that call feel like for the person on the other end of it?
What would life be like if you could consistently manage your emotional state, and turn around an emotional state rapidly?
What would life be like if you used emotional states that you typically thought of as bad to fuel you to achieve even more?
What would life be like if you were able to take control of your mental focus?
How much more money would you make if you could turn yourself on emotionally at any time?
How much more money would you make if you could take control of your focus and focus on how to turn it around instead of focusing on what’s stopping you?
In 2011 I made the decision that my emotional fitness was an absolute must and that it would be emotional fitness that would take my life to the next level. I wish I would have decided this even earlier!
What does emotional fitness mean to me?
Emotional fitness means that you are able to take control of your physiology.
Emotional fitness means that you are able to take control of what your mind is focused on.
Emotional fitness means that you are able to change what you say to yourself and take control of your internal dialog.
True emotional fitness is attainable and you’ll need to decide what this actually means to you.
Does it mean you have to be happy all the time, every single moment of every day?
No .
It simply means you can recognize when you are in a disempowering state and get out of it rapidly.
Because in sales if you are in a un-resourceful emotional state it’s costing you money.
Because in sales if you are in an un-resourceful emotional state it’s costing you a promotion.
Because in sales if you are in an un-resourceful state it’s affecting your team.
The sales team feeds off the emotional states of the sales leader.
The sales team feeds off the emotional states of the team members.
There is a Harvard Research study on how happiness spreads through social networks. I found it very interesting because it confirmed what I found through simple observation.
The meaning that I take away from this study is that positive emotions and negative emotions are like a positive or negative mental virus that spread through social networks. And that means your emotional state is influencing those around you more than you were aware of or realized in the past.
Be aware of the impact emotional states are having on you and the team.
Be aware of what the true cost of an un-resourceful emotional state is for your entire team and organization.
When I decided to go on a journey of emotional fitness and emotional stamina, and emotional endurance. I looked at it from a variety of perspectives, and I focused on how specifically I can increase my emotional fitness throughout my career.
The three keys that I’ve found that influence your emotional state are:
Physiology – Your physical body, and how it feels at this moment.
Mental Focus – What you are paying attention at any time effects how you feel.
The Language You Use With Yourself And Your Clients – How do you frame things with your language?
I’ll cover each of these individually in this blog post series on how you can turn yourself on and harness the power of your emotions to drive more sales!
And as a result, when you are in a great emotional state (this is contagious as we saw in the Harvard Study) your clients will be in a great emotional state too.
When you are turned on and in a great emotional state amazing things are possible! Stay tuned for my next posts that will go into the three pillars of how to change your emotional state in detail.
In the meantime, what are the ways that you turn yourself on for presentations and calls right now?
We all have strategies for this currently, what are they?
Feel free to share strategies you use currently to turn yourself on in the comments! And stay tuned for some new tools that you can add in the coming posts.
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